Our Schools Offer
Explore the workshops on offer to schools
Local Schools Offer 2024-25

We have a FREE offer for schools in the local Islington area for the 2024-25 academic year. We want to build on the success of our previous schools programme and continue to offer high quality workshops and experiences for local students and we will continue to give free tickets to local schools for Almeida Productions.
To ensure maximum flexibility to all schools and teachers, you can opt in to as much of the programme that works for you and your school.

Bespoke Workshops
We deliver workshops to school groups that centre around our current productions, exploring themes, contexts and creative decisions, led by exciting directors and theatre-makers. We can offer two different types of workshops to schools and students:
Introducing Almeida Productions
A pre-show workshop designed to introduce students to the key themes and context of the play and prepare them for analysing and evaluating the performance. Taking inspiration from the rehearsal room these workshops provide students with a practical understanding of the director’s approach to interpreting the text and staging the production.
Exploring Almeida Productions
A post-show workshop examining the creative decisions made by the director in relation to style, character and design together with a consideration of the audience’s response to the play. Students will take on the role of theatre-makers and practically evaluate the effectiveness of these decisions by exploring alternative ways of staging key moments from the play.
This workshop is designed to stimulate a critical response to the play and support the written assessment component of the Drama curriculum’s units of experiencing live performance as well as the Arts Award Bronze and Silver.
Please note:
- Workshops will take place at your school and are up to 90 minutes long.
- Each workshop can accommodate up to 30 students.
- If your school is located outside of London Underground zones 1-6, we would require our workshop leader’s travel to be covered at cost.
If you would like to book a workshop, or would like further information, please email participate@almeida.co.uk or call the Participation Team on 020 7288 4916 with the following information:
- Your preference of Workshop – Introducing (pre-show), Exploring (post-show) or Theatre-Making (bespoke)
- Your available dates and times
- Number of students
- Age group of students
- Any special learning needs
- Area of study (Drama GCSE, English Lit, A-level, etc.)