Representation in Drama
RinD (Representation in Drama) have created a list of 150 plays by writers from the global majority with Designer Kunmi Ogunsola, to encourage Drama exam boards to update their specifications.
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RinD is managed by the London Theatre Consortium. RinD addresses systemic imbalances in KS3, GCSE, A Level Drama and performing arts university departments and supports intersectional anti-racism work happening in UK schools, universities, theatres and theatre companies. RinD promotes the study, directing and programming of plays by writers from the global majority*. RinD supports schools, theatres, colleges, universities and youth companies to embed anti-racism and inclusion in their practice; builds skills and confidence in teachers, lecturers, facilitators and practitioners to teach and direct texts which represent the lived experience of their students and young people, and prepares participants to engage compassionately with Britain’s rich society of heritages and ethnicities.
* Global majority includes, but is not limited to, individuals of African, North African, South Asian, South East Asian, East Asian, Caribbean, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Native American, Native Australian, Pacific Islander, Roma and Traveller heritage or diaspora, and refers to people who have experienced racism due to their ethnicity or colour of their skin. We do not want to lump individuals into one category and aim to be specific when talking about individuals and communities.